Yorkshire Funders 2024 Conference - 19 June 2024

IVAR Multi-year Funding online workshop - 24 April 2024

Duties of a Trustee online workshop - 21 March 2024

State of the Sector Online Forum - 18 January 2024



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Sarah Vibert NCVO Yorkshire Funders Jan 2024

Pro Bono Economics Yorkshire Funders 18 Jan 24

Nicky Ruddick, FAWN (Funding Advice Workers Network) Chair also shared the three top issues currently facing Yorkshire’s voluntary & community sector:

  1. Local authority cuts (and in some cases total removal of funds with immediate effect) to infrastructure support organisations such as CVS’s and volunteer centres, but this does vary greatly for each district. It is the small grassroots organisations that will suffer the impact of the loss of infrastructure support most significantly.
  2. Many frontline charities and groups are really struggling to recruit enough volunteers (including trustees) to meet growing demand for services. Funders should be aware that some organisations will need more funding to replace volunteers with paid staff members.
  3. Setting up charity/community bank accounts continues to be a very slow and painful process for many working on the frontline. Funders should consider being flexible and if an applicant asks if a potential grant could be held by a sister organisation or partner until their own bank account is set up, a ‘Yes’ answer will be so helpful for them.

Transform Your Organisation's Approach to DEI - 23 November 2023

Being a More Inclusive Grantmaker - Funding Non-Charities Online Forum - 27 September 2023

Giving Effective Feedback Online Workshop - 16 August 2023

Yorkshire Funders' Annual Conference - 21 June 2023

Information from IVAR Aligned Reporting Online Workshop - 27 April 2023

Information from Does Impact Matter? Online Forum - 29 March 2023

Information from State of the Sector Online Forum - 19 January 2023


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Useful links which Sarah Vibert, CEO of NCVO mentioned and other resources referenced:  




https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/barclays-forced-to-turn-away-new-clients-jzb0m0pbc (need to be a Times subscriber to read online)

Yorkshire Funders presentation Pippa Robson Forum Hull

Barriers to Funding slide from FAWN

Yorkshire Funders & FAWN – Barriers to funding report from 2022 Conference workshop

Information from Wakefield in-person Forum - How can we help young people flourish? - 24 November 2022

Youth Endowment Fund Yorkshire Funders Event 24.11.22

Youth Association Regrowing youth work 2022

Frontline panel charities




www.dhyp.org.uk Doncaster Housing for Young People

Information from Latest Learnings from the Funding Sector Online Forum - 22 September 2022

Information from Reviewing Your Grant Making Online Workshop - 2 August 2022

Information from 15 June 2022 Conference

Information from 24 May 2022 Yorkshire Common Application Form (YCAF) Online Workshop

Information from 23 March 2022 Online Forum: Macro vs. Micro - who's been hit the hardest & does size matter?

Information from 11 January 2022 Grant Data Online Workshop - The Importance of Using the 360Giving Standard

Yorkshire Funders – 360Giving briefing 2022-01-11

katherine@threesixtygiving.org – email Katherine Duerden, Publishing & Support Manager for further information or to start the 360Giving Standard process.

Yorkshire & Humber Funding Ecology Dashboard https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/3e68a697-205a-4523-9ad1-db41dcca8831/page/7EtLC?s=lC-eMns6364

Information from 2 December 2021 Online Roundtable - Poverty: Prevention or Crisis?

Information from 20 October 2021 IVAR Online Workshop Risk: Flexibility vs Due Diligence

Information from 15 September 2021 YFF Online Roundtable

Information from 13 May 2021 YFF Online Roundtable - Open & Inclusive Grant Making

Presentations from 18 March 2021 YFF Online Roundtable

Summary from 21 January 2021 YFF Online Roundtable

Presentations from 18 November 2020 YFF Online Roundtable

Information from 17 September 2020 YFF Online Roundtable

Presentations from 1 July 2020 YFF webinar Covid-19: Financial Recovery & Resilience

Summary report from 20 May 2020 Covid-19 YFF webinar

Data Capturing Grants for Trusts & Foundations May 2020

It’s more important than ever that funders are capturing and logging their grant making in an organised and systematic way. Many Yorkshire trusts and foundations will only log their grant-making for internal use, but we are all being encouraged to be more open with our data and log it in a way which could potentially be shared externally. This could be for research such as the Yorkshire & Humber Funding Ecology project, to add to the 360Giving portal, or as the Covid-19 crisis continues and moves into subsequent stages, it will be incredibly useful to map who is giving where, to what and how much.

Below are the column headers which 360Giving suggests for a simple trust or foundation grant database. We hope you will find these useful if you are looking to update or develop your data capturing. And if you do want to consider making your data available on 360Giving visit https://www.threesixtygiving.org/support/standard/ and they will provide free support to help you get your database set up.

Publishing your grants data in the 360Giving Data Standard will:

• help your organisation understand itself better
• sends a positive message to your grantees and fellow funders
• means you are doing your bit to help make grant-making in the UK more informed, effective and strategic
• saves time and money for the sector
• gives us a fuller picture of grant-making in the UK
• helps bring better outcomes for recipients

Database column headings

Financial year

Recipient organisation/name

Charity number

Charity/organisation’s website

Charity post code (ideally the local post code or where the work is being carried out locally)

Other regional descriptor for mapping (eg. City of Leeds District)

Amount awarded

Award date

Description of grant (for ease combine Category and Funding type)

Charity category (e.g. Disability support & activities, Older people’s welfare, Covid-19)

Funding Type (e.g. Core, capital, core & capital, unrestricted)