Get the basics right: findings from IVAR’s Funding Experience Survey

11 October 2022

Through the IVAR Funding Experience Survey, more than 1,200 charities this summer shared what they feel are open and trusting grant-making practices – and why they matter. In sharing their practical ideas, charities showed huge empathy for the constraints and challenges that funders face. IVAR’s Funding Experience Survey findings include:

  • 10 actions funders can take to make a meaningful difference
  • The challenges charities face in the application process and their ideas on how these might be resolved
  • What charities appreciate in a funding relationship and how they feel their funders can add best value
  • What it feels like to be funded in an open and trusting way – and why it matters

The things that matter most to charities are not wasting their time and giving them as much financial flexibility and stability as possible.