Getting to Grips with Grant Management Systems

  • Zoom
  • 14th August 2024
  • 10.00 - 12.00

GETTING TO GRIPS WITH GRANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – Online Workshop 14th August,10.00 – 12.00, ZOOM

 Hear from fellow Yorkshire funders who have recently purchased a new grant management system. 

  •  We will have insights on systems including Salesforce, Blackbaud, and Flexigrant as well as one funder who devised their own bespoke system. They will share how they determined which system to purchase, the lessons learned from the implementation and what they would do differently next time.
  • We will begin the workshop with each funder describing their system, and then open it up  to questions and wider discussion on the challenges and benefits of using a dedicated system to manage grantmaking.

Details of the event and how to book on to it are on Eventbrite here