Now that we’re a couple of months into the UK Covid-19 crisis, more data for charities and funders is emerging. To follow are links to useful articles which show key areas of geographical and ethnic vulnerability when it comes to Covid-19 related health outcomes and also those towns and cities whose economy is being hit the hardest.
This proves as a reminder that we must all be capturing and logging our grant making in an organised and systematic way which could potentially be shared externally in the future in order to map Yorkshire funders’ giving before the Covid-19 crisis, during and after. If your trust or foundation is thinking about updating or expanding its data capturing, we have put together a simple guide of suggested database headings providing by 360Giving who have established a Data Standard so that your data can be easily compared with data from other funders.
National research publications this week include:
- The Local Trust’s Briefing 1: Rapid Research Covid-19 in conjunction with Sheffield Hallam University and TSRC which explores how communities respond to and recover from this crisis
- IVAR’s latest briefing paper is titled Getting ready for the fallout which is focused on the challenges faced by VCSE leaders during the crisis and shares the experiences of 37 charities shared with IVAR between 9th-16th April
- The Resolution Foundation’s 19th April paper looks into ‘the new normal’ for pay, terms and conditions for care workers titled What happens after the clapping finishes
Our region’s Baroness McIntosh of Pickering took part in a House of Lords debate yesterday on the organisational and fundraising challenges facing charitable and voluntary organisations during Covid-19. You can see her comments at 2.39pm and the whole session makes for very interesting reading. Baroness McIntosh asked a number of local organisations to share their major issues to be raised with her and it’s excellent that she managed to pack in so many of these.
And as the 10-11.30am 20th May YFF webinar draws nearer, we can now confirm the following programme, including time for questions and discussion after each contributor:
- Jan Garrill, Chief Executive, Two Ridings Community Foundation, Kate Hainsworth, CEO, Leeds Community Foundation/Give Bradford and Ruth Willis, Chief Executive, South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation – Collaboration and what’s currently happening in our region in response to the Covid-19 crisis
- Abdou Sidibe, Head of Regional Funding – Yorkshire & Humber, National Lottery Community Fund – The latest from the National Lottery Community Fund and understanding how the government and NET funds are being distributed
- Kaye Wilson & Pat Akerman, FAWN (Funding Advice Workers Network) members – Update from the frontline
- David Warner, Chairman, The Local Trust (and also former Director of London Funders) – What happens next? Key things funders should be thinking about
If you would like to participate but haven’t emailed me yet, please do so by Friday 15th May. The Zoom email invite will be sent to those who have registered in the next few days.